From Wastewater to Drinking H2o

Across the globe, 2 out of 10 people exercise not take access to safe drinking water, and in the U.S., many states face h2o shortages and droughts. Meanwhile, reports Robert Glennon in Unquenchable: America's Water Crisis and What to Do Well-nigh It, Americans utilize 24 gallons of h2o each 24-hour interval to affluent their toilets—approximately 5.8 billion gallons. What a waste! As the global population continues to grow and climate change results in more water crises, where volition nosotros find enough water to come across our needs?

In the U.S., we spend billions of dollars treating water to drinking water quality when we use only 10% of it for drinking and cooking, then affluent most of the residual down the toilet or bleed. So the growing use of recycled wastewater for irrigation, landscaping, industry and toilet flushing, is a expert way to conserve our fresh water resource. Recycled water is also used to furnish sensitive ecosystems where wild animals, fish and plants are left vulnerable when h2o is diverted for urban or rural needs. In coastal areas, recycled h2o helps recharge groundwater aquifers to prevent the intrusion of saltwater, which occurs when groundwater has been over pumped.

Photo credit: notcub

The use of recycled water for drinking, nonetheless, is less mutual, largely because many people are repelled by the thought of water that'due south been in our toilets going to our taps. But a few countries like Singapore, Australia and Namibia, and states such as California, Virginia and New United mexican states are already drinking recycled h2o, demonstrating that purified wastewater can be safe and clean, and help ease water shortages.

The term "toilet to tap," used to drum upwards opposition to drinking recycled water, is misleading because recycled h2o that ends up in drinking water undergoes all-encompassing and thorough purification. In addition, it is usually added to groundwater or surface water for further cleansing before being sent to a drinking h2o supply where it is once again treated. In fact, it has been shown to take fewer contaminants than existing treated water supplies.

At that place are a number of technologies used to recycle water, depending on how pure it needs to be and what information technology will be used for. Here's how information technology'south done at the Point Colina Wastewater Handling plant in San Diego—the urban center is currently studying the feasibility of recycling h2o for drinking.

Sewage first goes through advanced main handling in which water is separated from big particles, and then enters sedimentation tanks where chemicals are used to make primary sludge settle to the lesser and scum rise to the elevation. In one case the water is separated out, eighty% of the solids accept been removed, and the wastewater is clean plenty to be discharged to the ocean. (Though wastewater is a potentially valuable resource, nearly wastewater produced along our coasts ends up in the ocean.)

In secondary handling, leaner are added to the wastewater to ingest organic solids, producing secondary sludge that settles to the bottom.

Third treatment filters the water to remove whatever solids remain, disinfects information technology with chlorine, and removes the salt. In California, 3rd-treated h2o is called "recycled water" and can be used for irrigation or industry.

For Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR)—recycled water that eventually becomes drinking water—tertiary-treated water undergoes advanced water engineering science, so spends time in groundwater or surface water, such as a reservoir, earlier beingness sent to drinking water supplies. Avant-garde h2o technology outset involves microfiltration that strains out any remaining solids.

Contrary osmosis. Photo credit: fhemerick

Side by side, reverse osmosis, which applies pressure to water on one side of a membrane allowing pure water to pass through, eliminates viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and pharmaceuticals. The water is and then disinfected by ultra violet calorie-free (UV) or ozone and hydrogen peroxide. Finally information technology is added to groundwater or surface water reservoirs where it stays for an average of 6 months to be further purified by natural processes. (This is done mainly to assuage public anxiety about drinking recycled water.) In one case drawn from the groundwater or reservoir, the recycled water goes through the standard water purification process all drinking h2o undergoes to come across U.S. Environmental Protection Bureau standards.

In fact San Diego is already drinking recycled water considering information technology imports 85% of its water from Northern California and the Colorado River, into which upstream communities like Las Vegas discharge wastewater that is later treated for drinking purposes. Considering of recent restrictions on Northern California water and drought on the Colorado River, San Diego, which recycles sewage water for irrigation, invested $eleven.8 million into an IPR written report. The demo project at the North City Water Reclamation Plant will cease in 2013. During this time, its Advanced Water Purification Facility is producing 1 million gallons of purified water each day, though no water is being sent to the reservoir.

IPR is more economical for San Diego than recycling more sewage for irrigation would exist because recycled irrigation water must be conveyed through special purple pipes to separate it from potable water; expanding the purple piping infrastructure would cost more than IPR. Recycled water is also less expensive than desalinating seawater. In Orange Canton, for instance, IPR costs $800-$850 to produce enough recycled water for two families of 4 for a yr. Desalinating an equal amount of seawater would crave $1,200-$1,800 because of the corporeality of energy needed.

To bargain with its growing population and salt intrusion into the groundwater, the Orangish County Water District in California opened its $480 1000000 state-of-the-fine art h2o reclamation facility, the largest in the U.Southward., in January 2008. Information technology costs $29 million a year to operate. Afterward advanced h2o handling, half the recycled water is injected into the aquifer to create a barrier against saltwater intrusion. The other half goes to a percolation pond for further filtration by the soils, and so after about 6 months, ends up in drinking water well intakes. By this year, it's expected to produce 85 million gallons a twenty-four hour period.

Singapore, with no natural aquifers and a small landmass, has struggled to provide a sustainable water supply for its residents for decades.

Photograph credit: Jerry Wong

In 2003, it opened the kickoff plants to produce NEWater, recycled drinking water purified past advanced membrane techniques including microfiltration, contrary osmosis and UV disinfection. After treatment, the water is added to the reservoirs. NEWater, which has passed more than than 65,000 scientific tests and surpasses World Wellness System drinking water standards, is clean enough to exist used for the electronics industry and to exist bottled as drinking water. It is expected to produce 2.5% of Singapore's total daily consumption this year.

Namibia, the most arid land in southern Africa, has been drinking recycled water since 1969. The water reclamation plants produce 35% of the water for Windhoek, the capital city. To appointment, there accept been no negative health impacts connected with the consumption of recycled water.

In 2001, a $55 million water recycling project for h2o-stressed Los Angeles was scuttled by the public'south revulsion at the thought of drinking recycled water and the term "toilet to tap" was born. Are the public's fears grounded?

A recent scientific discipline advisory panel report examined the potential human being wellness implications of "chemicals of emerging concern" (CECs) such every bit pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and industrial chemicals, in recycled water. The scientists reviewed epidemiological and other studies of recycled water from the last 40 years. While some early studies reported the presence of chlorine disinfection byproducts, the panel noted that treatment methods at that time were less sophisticated. Electric current methods have been refined and disinfection byproducts have decreased. More than recent studies of recycled water plant no adverse health effects in populations using recycled water. Though the scientists best-selling that the effects of long-term exposure (over generations) to CECs and to substances that take not yet been detected are unknown, they concluded that at that place was "robust prove that recycled water represents a source of safe drinking water."

Hopefully public stance is starting to plow. Dr. Shane Snyder, Professor of Environmental Engineering science at the University of Arizona and a fellow member of the science advisory panel, is now studying public perception of recycled h2o and is finding that "if they trust the utility, the majority of people understand that recycling h2o is unavoidable."

The truth is that all water is existence recycled over and over—no water on earth is truly pristine. Snyder concludes, "We're going to drink recycled water i way or another, whether it comes from downstream flow or groundwater. I strongly believe we should to do it through engineered systems where nosotros can actively control the process."

Columbia Water Center demonstrates research-based solutions to global freshwater scarcity.  Follow Columbia Water Center on Facebook and Twitter